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 Terms & Conditions

Please can all clients read the following terms and conditions carefully before booking our models.  


1. Terms of booking - As required by Department for Business Enterprise and regulatory Reform, RJ Management's booking form, containing the terms of the booking, must be signed and returned by the client before any casting/booking takes place. Once an artist is introduced to a client by way of submission and/or casting/shoot, any repeat jobs and correspondence regarding that artist is to be with RJ Management solely.


2. Daily/hourly rate - The model fees are charged by the day (up to 8 hours) or by the hour at the rate agreed at the time of booking. Overtime rates will apply outside of these hours. Overtime rate is one-and a-half times the daily hourly rate.


​3. Travel and/or accommodation - negotiated where applicable.


4. Fitting fees - Fittings are charged at a minimum of a 2 hour booking, unless otherwise agreed.


​5. Additional fees - To be agreed at the time of the booking. The agent reserves the right not to negotiate in relation to any additional usage other than that agreed at the time of the booking.


6. Usage - Additional fees are payable for the right to use the model's image (or reproductions, or adaptations of, or drawings derived from that image, or any other representation of it, either complete or in part whether alone or in conjunction with any wording or other images, photographs, drawings or material of any other nature including electronic imaging) for all known or anticipated purposes other than the initial permitted use.

Territory - Additional fees are also payable for the right to use the model's image (or reproductions etc. for all known or anticipated territories other than the as agreed.


​7. Invoicing - New clients may be required to pay 50% of the booking fee prior to the casting/booking. Existing clients will be required to pay within 30 days of invoice. Unless otherwise agreed, the person booking the model will be invoiced and solely responsible for the payment. The agency reserves the right to alter payment terms if it deems appropriate prior to booking. Photographs may not be used until all fees are paid in full.


​8. Provisional bookings - Provisional bookings will automatically be cancelled if they are not confirmed within 24 hours of the proposed booking.


9. Cancellations - A 50% fee will be charged for all cancellations made within 48 hours, prior to commencement of booking. A 100% fee will be charged with cancellations made less than 24 hours prior to booking.


10. Weather permitting -  Cancellation due to weather will be charged at half the booking fee. If the client fails to cancel in time to prevent the models attendance, then the full booking fee is payable. 


11. Meals - For day bookings, clients are responsible for the provision of all meals and beverage requirements of the models and chaperones (taking into account dietary requirements). For half day and hourly bookings clients must have refreshments available and healthy snacks.


12. Fashion shows - Catwalk bookings give the right to use the model on the catwalk for the specified show and the right to allow photographers to take photographs and videos of the show on the basis that all such material is for reporting purposes only. The client is responsible for ensuring that all photographers present are aware of this condition and abide by it. If any other usage is required that must be agreed at the time of the booking.


​13. Copyright - The copyright of any images taken belongs to the photographer. Usage of the photos  are based on the agreed usage agreed at the time of booking.


14. Insurance - It is the responsibility of the client to provide adequate levels of insurance cover and they are required to safeguard the health and safety of the model whilst the model is delivering the services and travelling to and from the client’s venue.


​15. Contract - All matters relating to the use of the model's image, any other services supplied by the model and all fees must be negotiated and agreed only with RJ Management (The agent).


16. Complaints - Any cause for complaint should be reported when it arises otherwise it can not be considered. Any complaints must be received no longer than 3 hours after booking finishes.


​17. Child Performance Licence (Under 16s) - It is a legal requirement Child models and actors to be licenced for every job they participate in.  Length of time to process licences varies from 1-21 days depending on the child's council, to where the application must be made. It is the client's responsibility to licence a child model or actor. The agency can can help with and/or apply for the license on the client's behalf, for a fee of £30.


​​18. Child Protection & Risk Assessments - It is the clients responsibility to ensure they are abiding  to Child Performance Regulations. The client must have appropriate risk assessments, child protection policies, and insurance in place. Please note as the supplier of services these Terms and Privacy take precedence over any Terms and Privacy, which may be received from the client even if those Terms and Privacy have a clause similar to this. Whilst every endeavour is made to provide satisfactory and efficient service to our clients, as the agent we cannot be held responsible for a model's conduct on any assignment. The agent reserves the right to negotiate within the structure of these terms and conditions.


 Model care and safety


The client must ensure that the model is treated with respect and professionalism at all times. The client agrees to ensure that the safety, health and well being of the model is protected and maintained at all times. 


Such steps shall include (but is not limited to):


- Ensure that the venue for the provision and the working conditions are safe and secure and allow the model to provide the services in compliance with all health and safety standards, regulations, codes and laws.

- Allow the model to take suitable and regular rest periods.

- Provide adequate levels of insurance cover to safeguard the health and safety whilst the model is delivering the services and travelling to and from the client’s venue 

- Ensure that all of the people and organisations used by the client in relation to the booking are suitably qualified, experienced and professional

- Ensure that no one imposes upon the model any action or activity which is either dangerous, degrading, unprofessional or demeaning to the model

- Provide the model with an appropriate changing and dressing area to ensure that the model can prepare for the provision of the services and also maintains his/her privacy.

- Always include a credit: “model’s name” @ RJ Management, wherever a credit is applied.


Additional Child Model care and Safety


-  All staff members in contact with the child model must be DBS Checked (photographer/stylist etc).

- The child must always be in the presence of their chaperone. If the chaperone is not the parent all information must be given to the agency prior to the booking, as all chaperones must be stated on the child's licence.

- Separate dressing areas must be provided.

- Ensure licencing times and hours are adhered to. 


Please can all clients read the terms and conditions carefully before booking our models. 

Email for copy of our agency terms prior to booking any
RJ Management Artist

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